Sunday, June 19

Day Two, Yahoo!

We had a relaxing morning eating breakfast and visiting with one another.  Around 9:30 we piled into the van and embarked on the one hour drive to the American Haitian Church - Port Au Prince Fellowship.  The church was incredibly welcoming, and had a wonderfully talented band and pastor.  The pastor spoke on being open to the divine timing in our lives, and taught us a three part prayer centered on being open to his calling – Be open to his calling, open your mouth, and open the ears others.  After an almost two hour church service, we headed to lunch at the Observetoire.  It was a beautiful restaurant up in the hills and was also attached to a small marketplace.  Haitian culture treats meals a bit differently that American culture, and we ended up spending about 3-3.5 hours at lunch.  Upon our return to the Village of Hope, some of the men fixed one of the broken picnic tables, and we unpacked some of the school supplies we brought.  Tomorrow will be an early morning as we head to our projects.  Some of us will be spending the day at the Missionary of the Poor orphanage (previously Little Children of Jesus) and others will be going to the Village of Hope School to help build a computer lab for the students.  We are all so excited to start our work!


 On the patio at Observatoire

 Looking down on Port Au Prince

 Working on the picnic table


  1. Awesome! We are praying for you all. Wish I could be there to hear some Jim stories and to participate in a game of Knock. :)

  2. I agree with Cheryl-wish I were there too! Good luck with your busy day tomorrow! Please give the kids and staff at LCJ my love 💜
